Wednesday, September 16, 2009

H1N1 & Health Care

Alright! I have seen ALOT of clips and videos from many different sources covering Conspiracies to Pandemics to Martial Law. this inlcludes FOX, CNN, MIKE MALLOY talk radio, ALEX JONES talk radio, MSNBC, BBC, and others.

So with all the diffent thing to choose from. I will focus on HEALTH primarily H1N1.

I dont really know where I stand in this whole health-care debate, I know we need it, but I also know we cannot afford it! Yet there is the underlying issue with this of "Mandatory" So Although the economy is in the toilet un-employment has yet to decrease in a way that would stimulate our economy, and although you out of a job you can pay for your health-care needs! ??? How does that work? I need a job, Not a band-aid!
So with the pressure of pushing thru this bill, I am a bit concerned that we put more emphasys into this reform than we did the goal to get Americans back to work, so that they CAN Afford the health-care!
And Why does it have to be a LAW? Even if we go into this with the idea that someone may get infected by the H1N1 or H1N5, it still does not cover reasoning for mandates! Besides,...if someone is infected it would seem more logical to pass a law that quarentines only those individuals who are ill to their home for 2 weeks. reasoning for this is: If someone gets a cold or flu (this is pretty common) How does the virus spread? usually air-bourn. coughing, sneezing, transition of fluids. Every year people get the cold or flu, and they spread it by going to school or work, or doing other activities. Containing the H1N1 would be no different... you isolate the carrier, you isolate the virus!. If you get the virus (H1N1) You become a heath risk and for the benefit of friends family, and loved ones, you would want to stay away from them so you dont infect them. There are pros and cons however: Pro- after two weeks of home quarentine you fully recover and are no longer a threat, and can continue with your daily routines. Con- Within time of home quarentine your heath deteriorates you do not recover from the virus the quarentine is extended untill you fully recover or... you die!
I Know it seems cruel but where would you rather be if you had to be isolated? In your home where you have your posessions. luxury, comfort, utilities, etc... or in some strange place with nothing? This is worse case scenario, but im sure you get the picture!
You can watch movie after movie depicting this very thing involving quarentines, of mass populations, viral out-breaks and sterilization of those infected. what do you get from it? Fear? Questions? Rage? No thank you! in the event I catch a bug and I become ill, Work Will Wait!

So I ask...Why the fear mongering? Why do we press so hard to be vaccinated agaist the H1N1, Why the pressure for implants or wrist bands that verify innoculation, when the solution is safer, faster, and does not violate individuals religious beliefs or citizens constitutional rights? If someone is going to die ill or alone at least let them have their dignity!

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