Thursday, September 24, 2009

Get your brain on!

Volenteers Needed:

America is looking to fill positions As Americans:
We need Individuals who are awake and ready to get the word out! and Expose those who are Acting as Extremists Trying to Destroy America as We have known her to be!

We are under Attack by Many groups and Oganizations that have only A few leaders, These groups Have been Identified as Terroist AKA Corporation (CAUTION: Use Exreme care When Approaching)
Their mission in America Is to instill a Facistic Dictating Regime, and their Goal is to Remove All Security, Soverignty, and Constitutional Rights or Liberties you may have.
They Are known to be responsible for the Tyrany and Facism that is Causing Our Economic Collaps and Unemployent to Soar! Ultimately bringing our Country down!

Elites, Bankers, Investors, Corporations, Pharma, Insurance Companies, and so on, are the Active Responsible parties!
Americans and Patriots want our country Back! But were not getting help from those whose can change things.
The Natzies would have Americans believe that:
"if you speak out; You are a terrorist"
"if you protest govt decisions; You are Anti-American"
"A true Patriot does what he is told (without question)"

For some reason this all seems backward to me!I thought A Patriot was suppose to speak out and be heard! To be a Patriot does not mean you have to support, or even stand by our leaders! It means you Stand For, and Stand Beside, and Defend your country!

There is ALOT going on in our world, even if you dont buy into the whole 2012 End of times scenario! We should all be well informed about whats going on in the world but more importantly "our world" America, Without restaint or limitation!
But as you know to efficiently Know what is happening We have to do our part and pay close attention. that means you have to know what other people or countries are saying out you!

Most of us are pretty much in a zombified state of mind when it comes to whats happening around us, Between the TV, Video Games, and work (if you still have a job) keep our minds pretty occupied! We tend to see only what we want to see, (selective comprehension) and deny or push away anything that is not pleasing to our eyes or ears, No matter how much truth is told! "Sad but true"We need to wake up and smell the coffee!

Inorder to be properly fore-armed, You must be properly Fore-warned! but your local news wont tell you nothing untill after its too late. if you want to know something in advance you either have to pay for the resources or investigate/research your-selves!
Half the job is just opening your eyes!

And many many more. its time to wake up and "Get your brain on"
But I Digress, I do alot of thinking, and the thinking I do the more reality shapes into the Matrix. At some point I decided to take the red pill, and have been continuing my journey down the rabbit hole!Thinking leads to Questions, But what do you do when those questions cannot or will not get answered? You go deeper! so, deeper I go...

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