Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ghost and Spiritual Matter

I Have wondered many times through-out my life about mysterious things that nobody seems to have the answer for. One of these things are Ghosts and the weird things that have been said to happen around them.
I personally have not had any major things happen, I have seen an image in a haze of fog that was not there, and I have seen a piece of paper spiked from a table top to the ceiling only to float back down between the wall and the fridge never to be seen again!

So even though I posses little evidence to support my belief. I still believe!
What are we really? I mean other than a human body! A host, A temple? A vessel? Even in the religious world the body is symbolized as a temple, we are also told that there are other beings, celestial, terrestrial, and extraterrestrial. Knowing this promotes allot of questions!
So its down the rabbit hole we go, in search of answers, although we gather no solid proof you have something that can not be dis proven!

My Theory is that we as people and even the animals ALL have a soul every living organism possesses a spirit, it is the motivation and drive of the host. For example: you have a vehicle, lets say a car! you are the driver of this car, you are responsible for maintenance of it, if you want to keep it running smooth. you control it, you start it and drive to wherever you wish. BUT when you depart this vehicle, whether the engine is on or off it will not drive itself. It needs someone at the wheel! So it is the spirit the driver of your body. (he sits at the control switch in your brain)
When you die the spirit no longer is able to utilize this vessel or host and must exit and seek out another vessel. Even in the event of Comatose cases, someone is in a serious accident, he/she is critical the hospital stabilizes the individual but now he/she is in a comatose state. This tragedy can last days or even years. what is going on here is that the spirit fled the vessel and is wondering around. but the EMT moved the body from point of origin. This makes it difficult for the spirit to find his host. or it may be that the spirit just did not like his life and is having more fun floating around. but not likely. Once a spirit finds a host (usually at birth) it stays with you till you die!
Some cases of people coming out of a coma are like a different person. They really believe they are someone else. this is because the original spirit of the host is gone leaving that vessel open so now this other lost soul occupies that host.
There are people with what we call split personality. This is because more than one spirit is occupying the same host. some of these people have cycles and have to bear the burden of multiple entities and their personalities cause the other spirits do not ever leave. Some time the host is more like a shelter for a short time. an entity arrives stays for a short time and goes. maybe it don't like the crowd or maybe it would rather not have a full time host.

It is easy for us to call someone crazy because he/she is talking to themselves (or are they)?

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