Thursday, September 17, 2009

End The Fed!

Our Media States that the un-employment rate is 8-9%, But the truth is un-employment is closer to 18%.
Remember AIG-Bail-out, This is why America is going down! we give away billions and bail-out big corporations, what happened to AIG?? they took the money and gave themselves a new title. What was (is) AIG (American Insurance Group) Insurance! For over a year now The Nation has been pressing the healthcare issue! As true as it is that we need it, I cannot see where corporations Like AIG should have control over our healthcare! I say Let them FALL, No more loans! No more Bail outs, this goes for Wall-Street too!

What is a Insurance Company? It is the middle man between you and your doctor! We do not need a middle man, If the Govt is going to step in to the healthcare industry and create a Czar for for ever area of life, then drop the insurance Companies. and develope a program that exist between the doctors and govt that arranges the compensation for their work!

Also Go back to what Obama said when he initially took office, Wall street was screwing everything up and and their excuse was there were bad investments, Obama made a statement that CEOs Should not earn more than $500.000K a year, that there would be a cap.

"WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is expected to impose a cap of $500,000 for top executives at companies that receive large amounts of bailout money, according to people familiar with the plan. (February 3rd, 2009 NYT)

He later retracted the threat of this legislation Because of opposition or pressure from the elite Bankers Because they said they we unable to survive on $500K annually

PRIVATE school: $32,000 a year per student.
Mortgage: $96,000 a year.
Co-op maintenance fee: $96,000 a year.
Nanny: $45,000 a year.
We are already at $269,000, and we haven’t even gotten to taxes yet.
Five hundred thousand dollars — the amount President Obama wants to set as the top pay for banking executives whose firms accept government bailout money — seems like a lot, and it is a lot. (February 5th, 2009 NYT)

So with all the damage, caused by the Auto industy, Insurance companies, Banks, and Investors within Wallstreet in their speculation. Why are we continuing to cater to them? Anytime we try to debate, how to fix something or discuss what we need to do to fix our problem. If we inquire upon touchy subjects, or demand the truth or investigations, you are accussed of being an extremist, or you are a conspiracy theorist or it gets into the defence issue of: The economy will crash, or the terrorist will get you!... I should point out that Conspiracy is a crime and Theory is a thought. No issue is Theory if there is evidence of crime or cover-up.
Conspiracy is when there is evidence pointing to a crime!
Theory say's that Science has created a time machine or teleportation device, but have not released the info to the public.
In case no one noticed the Economy was tanking already because of G. Bush and the Billions in Iraq and bailouts. And the only terrorist are those who are exercising the fear tactics. Ie. Terrorist is: One who is Fear Mongering, or one who uses the fear of other to get what they want. (we gotta stay in iraq or the terrorist will follow us home!)

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