Saturday, September 26, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Symptoms

Squalene “contributed to the cascade of reactions called “ Gulf War syndrome. GIs developed arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, deadly Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon with paroxysms of lack of blood in fingers and toes in fingers and toes, Sjorgren’s syndrome with blurred vision, chronic diarrhea, night sweats and low-grade fever.”


Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Oath

The Oath of "The Oath Keepers"

1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.
2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrentless searches of the American people.
3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as "unlawfull enemy combatants"
4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a "state of emergency" on any state.
5. We will NOT obey orders to invade or subjugate any state that asserts it sovereignty.
6. We will NOT obey orders to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
7. We will NOT obey orders to force American citizens into any form of detention camps.
8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any forign troops on U.S. soil.
9. We will NOT obey orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies.
10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people... to free speech, to peaceably assemble and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of devine providence, we mutually affirm our oath and pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
Oath Keepers

Get your brain on!

Volenteers Needed:

America is looking to fill positions As Americans:
We need Individuals who are awake and ready to get the word out! and Expose those who are Acting as Extremists Trying to Destroy America as We have known her to be!

We are under Attack by Many groups and Oganizations that have only A few leaders, These groups Have been Identified as Terroist AKA Corporation (CAUTION: Use Exreme care When Approaching)
Their mission in America Is to instill a Facistic Dictating Regime, and their Goal is to Remove All Security, Soverignty, and Constitutional Rights or Liberties you may have.
They Are known to be responsible for the Tyrany and Facism that is Causing Our Economic Collaps and Unemployent to Soar! Ultimately bringing our Country down!

Elites, Bankers, Investors, Corporations, Pharma, Insurance Companies, and so on, are the Active Responsible parties!
Americans and Patriots want our country Back! But were not getting help from those whose can change things.
The Natzies would have Americans believe that:
"if you speak out; You are a terrorist"
"if you protest govt decisions; You are Anti-American"
"A true Patriot does what he is told (without question)"

For some reason this all seems backward to me!I thought A Patriot was suppose to speak out and be heard! To be a Patriot does not mean you have to support, or even stand by our leaders! It means you Stand For, and Stand Beside, and Defend your country!

There is ALOT going on in our world, even if you dont buy into the whole 2012 End of times scenario! We should all be well informed about whats going on in the world but more importantly "our world" America, Without restaint or limitation!
But as you know to efficiently Know what is happening We have to do our part and pay close attention. that means you have to know what other people or countries are saying out you!

Most of us are pretty much in a zombified state of mind when it comes to whats happening around us, Between the TV, Video Games, and work (if you still have a job) keep our minds pretty occupied! We tend to see only what we want to see, (selective comprehension) and deny or push away anything that is not pleasing to our eyes or ears, No matter how much truth is told! "Sad but true"We need to wake up and smell the coffee!

Inorder to be properly fore-armed, You must be properly Fore-warned! but your local news wont tell you nothing untill after its too late. if you want to know something in advance you either have to pay for the resources or investigate/research your-selves!
Half the job is just opening your eyes!

And many many more. its time to wake up and "Get your brain on"
But I Digress, I do alot of thinking, and the thinking I do the more reality shapes into the Matrix. At some point I decided to take the red pill, and have been continuing my journey down the rabbit hole!Thinking leads to Questions, But what do you do when those questions cannot or will not get answered? You go deeper! so, deeper I go...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Commercial Overkill & Progress

Commercials Every day commercials. You read a paper, magazine, bulletin. You see them everywhere on signs and billboards. and finally TV.
It's enough to make you lose your freaking mind!
I understand that sometimes commercials are necessary to sell and promote products, but lets be serious! It's overkill, look at all the forms of commercialization we have, promoted with discrimination.
There are commercials promoting anti-smoking campaign's, but no commercials as a rebuttals to defend those peoples rights to smoke. Commercials for Breast Augmentation, and drugs to increase your stamina so you may last longer in bed! Commercials to sell you happy pills or any other drug that fits the bill from your problems of Anxiety and depression to making your hair grow. Even though the side affects are read so fast you can barely pay attention to it. and half the time the side affects are worse than the problem you had. May cause constipation, anal leakage, blurry vision, loss of hearing, decreased sense of smell, cramps, ulcers, cancer, and death! Does anyone ever listen to these?

Besides the fact that the commercials are getting dumber by the day, they aren't really helping us with anything. I watch Television to be informed and entertained, If I think I need something I am pretty sure I can figure it out without the glory of the commercial filling my dreams. Lets face it, if you get to the point that your crapping your pants cause you cant make it to the bathroom, You already know you have a problem! You don't really need a commercial thrown at you for this! You know that you are going to have to change you shorts allot or buy some diapers, until you can get to a doctor and have him give you drugs that will result in blindness.

I would like to watch a Movie or a Television program for more than 5-7 minutes without the interruption of a commercial that will last for 5Min's or longer! You know what I mean, just when the show gets interesting, they break for advertising. So out of a 1 hour show you really only get to see 40mins of it, the rest is commercial.

I am really considering cutting off television! its not good enough you get commercial overkill but we as a society are forced into submission of transition from analog to digital. You cant watch TV anymore unless you get the special converter box or upgrade to HD!
Although the picture quality of HD is great, it is not the point. The point is having the right to decide, to have the choice. We transitioned from things of the past without the need of Federal Mandates Governing this process! Remember Cd's, MP3s, VHS tapes to go with your VCR. Or how about the cassette tapes that went with your boom-box or home stereo system. or The Vinyl Records that went with the Record player? how about (here it comes) the 8track tapes and players? uh-huh!
The point is that we have always manged to progress and upgrade, creating new and faster devices all the time. without the rule of law dictating the end of said devices. As progression occurs the old becomes obsolete on its own! When was the last time you seen a Am/Fm cassette car stereo? or a Home stereo w/cassette player? Coming soon to a store near you The HID (Holographic Interactive Display) You can now harness the ability to control the size of your display from 2"inches to 20'feet just by positioning the HID pods. No more worries about if it will fit, or where to put it, cause you cat place it anywhere. and the best part is: it takes no room at all. and where-ever it is you can simply walk through the display without any damage to your HID (This is only theory- but the technology is there)

Im just saying, I want to watch a program whether its News to inform me or a Movie to entertain me, I would like to watch at least 30mins of uninterupted TV

Saturday, September 19, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine & 1st Amendment

Even though The (swine flu) continues to grow and the world struggles to find a cure, We are still unsure of the Vaccine that will be made available to us in October! And there is good reason, if someone serves you a drink and tells you its water, but as you take this drink you notice it smells like Ammonia would you still drink it?

Well that's the point the vaccines have not been thoroughly tested, and because of the ingredients (active or not) they are toxic ingredients. such as Formaldehyde, Squalene etc.

In October We will be graced will the newest form of protection in the form of A Nasal Spray.

This whole thing stinks! I am also hearing that the enforcement of the vaccination is so severe that if you do not take the Vaccine you will be at high risk of losing what job you have. If you are at a hi traffic area and you are stopped at these military road blocks you may be incarcerated
if you refuse the vaccine. Seems like a chemical or biological warfare...directed at us!

All this is like some kind of twisted dream, or very sick joke! and reminds me in so many ways of E.L.E.s (Extinction Level Event) if you have not seen these scenarios before, I suggest a few movies for you that expose these events. Look at the big picture and see the message!

I Am Legend

Bird Flu

Resident Evil

Right Next Door

and so on, You may not have to wait for the truth of 2012. and if these visual stimulants aren't enough for you, perhaps you are more of a religious person! if this is the case you should be able to discern the parables within the book of Revelation and you should see where we are on the Opening of the Seals!

We are at a time where our technology is beyond most peoples comprehension. Interactive robots, movie cameras in almost everything (lighters, Pens, buttons, ties, sunglasses) Video surveillance around every corner and you are more worried about the next American Idol.

Microchips, and Nano tech, this stuff is real and its here.

Its real easy for us to believe that its just fantasy, or science fiction. but that's the same thing we thought 20 years ago, and all those things we thought were just science we now have.

When you expose the crimes committed within your Govt and the truths that are often withheld from you (for your own safety of course) You will see that many of these things that are speculated as being False, Fiction, or Conspiracy Theory are actually True. All you have to do is exercise your brain and investigate! or research...Americans Exercise your 1st amendment

Amendment - 1: Freedom of: Religion, Press, and Expression. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

End The Fed!

Our Media States that the un-employment rate is 8-9%, But the truth is un-employment is closer to 18%.
Remember AIG-Bail-out, This is why America is going down! we give away billions and bail-out big corporations, what happened to AIG?? they took the money and gave themselves a new title. What was (is) AIG (American Insurance Group) Insurance! For over a year now The Nation has been pressing the healthcare issue! As true as it is that we need it, I cannot see where corporations Like AIG should have control over our healthcare! I say Let them FALL, No more loans! No more Bail outs, this goes for Wall-Street too!

What is a Insurance Company? It is the middle man between you and your doctor! We do not need a middle man, If the Govt is going to step in to the healthcare industry and create a Czar for for ever area of life, then drop the insurance Companies. and develope a program that exist between the doctors and govt that arranges the compensation for their work!

Also Go back to what Obama said when he initially took office, Wall street was screwing everything up and and their excuse was there were bad investments, Obama made a statement that CEOs Should not earn more than $500.000K a year, that there would be a cap.

"WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is expected to impose a cap of $500,000 for top executives at companies that receive large amounts of bailout money, according to people familiar with the plan. (February 3rd, 2009 NYT)

He later retracted the threat of this legislation Because of opposition or pressure from the elite Bankers Because they said they we unable to survive on $500K annually

PRIVATE school: $32,000 a year per student.
Mortgage: $96,000 a year.
Co-op maintenance fee: $96,000 a year.
Nanny: $45,000 a year.
We are already at $269,000, and we haven’t even gotten to taxes yet.
Five hundred thousand dollars — the amount President Obama wants to set as the top pay for banking executives whose firms accept government bailout money — seems like a lot, and it is a lot. (February 5th, 2009 NYT)

So with all the damage, caused by the Auto industy, Insurance companies, Banks, and Investors within Wallstreet in their speculation. Why are we continuing to cater to them? Anytime we try to debate, how to fix something or discuss what we need to do to fix our problem. If we inquire upon touchy subjects, or demand the truth or investigations, you are accussed of being an extremist, or you are a conspiracy theorist or it gets into the defence issue of: The economy will crash, or the terrorist will get you!... I should point out that Conspiracy is a crime and Theory is a thought. No issue is Theory if there is evidence of crime or cover-up.
Conspiracy is when there is evidence pointing to a crime!
Theory say's that Science has created a time machine or teleportation device, but have not released the info to the public.
In case no one noticed the Economy was tanking already because of G. Bush and the Billions in Iraq and bailouts. And the only terrorist are those who are exercising the fear tactics. Ie. Terrorist is: One who is Fear Mongering, or one who uses the fear of other to get what they want. (we gotta stay in iraq or the terrorist will follow us home!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ghost and Spiritual Matter

I Have wondered many times through-out my life about mysterious things that nobody seems to have the answer for. One of these things are Ghosts and the weird things that have been said to happen around them.
I personally have not had any major things happen, I have seen an image in a haze of fog that was not there, and I have seen a piece of paper spiked from a table top to the ceiling only to float back down between the wall and the fridge never to be seen again!

So even though I posses little evidence to support my belief. I still believe!
What are we really? I mean other than a human body! A host, A temple? A vessel? Even in the religious world the body is symbolized as a temple, we are also told that there are other beings, celestial, terrestrial, and extraterrestrial. Knowing this promotes allot of questions!
So its down the rabbit hole we go, in search of answers, although we gather no solid proof you have something that can not be dis proven!

My Theory is that we as people and even the animals ALL have a soul every living organism possesses a spirit, it is the motivation and drive of the host. For example: you have a vehicle, lets say a car! you are the driver of this car, you are responsible for maintenance of it, if you want to keep it running smooth. you control it, you start it and drive to wherever you wish. BUT when you depart this vehicle, whether the engine is on or off it will not drive itself. It needs someone at the wheel! So it is the spirit the driver of your body. (he sits at the control switch in your brain)
When you die the spirit no longer is able to utilize this vessel or host and must exit and seek out another vessel. Even in the event of Comatose cases, someone is in a serious accident, he/she is critical the hospital stabilizes the individual but now he/she is in a comatose state. This tragedy can last days or even years. what is going on here is that the spirit fled the vessel and is wondering around. but the EMT moved the body from point of origin. This makes it difficult for the spirit to find his host. or it may be that the spirit just did not like his life and is having more fun floating around. but not likely. Once a spirit finds a host (usually at birth) it stays with you till you die!
Some cases of people coming out of a coma are like a different person. They really believe they are someone else. this is because the original spirit of the host is gone leaving that vessel open so now this other lost soul occupies that host.
There are people with what we call split personality. This is because more than one spirit is occupying the same host. some of these people have cycles and have to bear the burden of multiple entities and their personalities cause the other spirits do not ever leave. Some time the host is more like a shelter for a short time. an entity arrives stays for a short time and goes. maybe it don't like the crowd or maybe it would rather not have a full time host.

It is easy for us to call someone crazy because he/she is talking to themselves (or are they)?

H1N1 & Health Care

Alright! I have seen ALOT of clips and videos from many different sources covering Conspiracies to Pandemics to Martial Law. this inlcludes FOX, CNN, MIKE MALLOY talk radio, ALEX JONES talk radio, MSNBC, BBC, and others.

So with all the diffent thing to choose from. I will focus on HEALTH primarily H1N1.

I dont really know where I stand in this whole health-care debate, I know we need it, but I also know we cannot afford it! Yet there is the underlying issue with this of "Mandatory" So Although the economy is in the toilet un-employment has yet to decrease in a way that would stimulate our economy, and although you out of a job you can pay for your health-care needs! ??? How does that work? I need a job, Not a band-aid!
So with the pressure of pushing thru this bill, I am a bit concerned that we put more emphasys into this reform than we did the goal to get Americans back to work, so that they CAN Afford the health-care!
And Why does it have to be a LAW? Even if we go into this with the idea that someone may get infected by the H1N1 or H1N5, it still does not cover reasoning for mandates! Besides,...if someone is infected it would seem more logical to pass a law that quarentines only those individuals who are ill to their home for 2 weeks. reasoning for this is: If someone gets a cold or flu (this is pretty common) How does the virus spread? usually air-bourn. coughing, sneezing, transition of fluids. Every year people get the cold or flu, and they spread it by going to school or work, or doing other activities. Containing the H1N1 would be no different... you isolate the carrier, you isolate the virus!. If you get the virus (H1N1) You become a heath risk and for the benefit of friends family, and loved ones, you would want to stay away from them so you dont infect them. There are pros and cons however: Pro- after two weeks of home quarentine you fully recover and are no longer a threat, and can continue with your daily routines. Con- Within time of home quarentine your heath deteriorates you do not recover from the virus the quarentine is extended untill you fully recover or... you die!
I Know it seems cruel but where would you rather be if you had to be isolated? In your home where you have your posessions. luxury, comfort, utilities, etc... or in some strange place with nothing? This is worse case scenario, but im sure you get the picture!
You can watch movie after movie depicting this very thing involving quarentines, of mass populations, viral out-breaks and sterilization of those infected. what do you get from it? Fear? Questions? Rage? No thank you! in the event I catch a bug and I become ill, Work Will Wait!

So I ask...Why the fear mongering? Why do we press so hard to be vaccinated agaist the H1N1, Why the pressure for implants or wrist bands that verify innoculation, when the solution is safer, faster, and does not violate individuals religious beliefs or citizens constitutional rights? If someone is going to die ill or alone at least let them have their dignity!