Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Your Carbon Footprint (B.S.)

For the longest time we have been hearing about this so-called (Carbon) Footprint. and they want us to believe that Global warming is because of this Carbon footprint.
So as a result you are going to be taxed on this Carbon. However I will point out what they are NOT telling you, and remind you of what you learned in elementary school.

"Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure and exists in Earth's atmosphere in this state. CO2 is a trace gas being only 0.038% of the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars, which may either be consumed in respiration or used as the raw material to produce other organic compounds needed for plant growth and development. It is produced during respiration by plants, and by all animals, fungi and microorganisms that depend either directly or indirectly on plants for food. It is thus a major component of the carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide is generated as a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels or the burning of vegetable matter, among other chemical processes. Small amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted from volcanoes and other geothermal processes such as hot springs and geysers and by the dissolution of carbonates in crustal rocks."

Universally we as human life or animals need and require plant life because of the carbon dioxides they provide to sustain life and likewise the plants need other life forms that emit oxygen., Cutting out either of these gases from your world will end life.

When our officials tell us that they will be controlling our energy usage, and carbon output by applying a tax for our "Carbon Footprint" they are saying "We are going to tax you for breathing and bowel movements"
Did you hear them say Carbon (Monoxide)? NO! they just use half the word cause they assume most people are not paying attention to the details.

Initially when this all started I remember it was about the whole global warming thing, and Big Companies that produced allot of smoke that resulted in pollution, or (smog), as well as the aerosol cans, then we went to the vehicles, and the jet-skies. for the Carbon monoxide gas.
So many of us had to take our vehicles Through D.E.Q bi-yearly so they could test the hydro carbons.
I always found it odd that a vehicle that smoked like a freight train could have low hydro carbons, but yet still pass, whereas a vehicle that did not smoke would fail because hydro carbons were too high.

Finally we are the target, and I guess we poop too much! so they think it is OK to tax us to breath. I also noticed that dairy farms and feed lots "stink" (for miles) but yet with all the discussion of what to tax and control and pollution we never discuss the bio-hazard or high level of toxins that emit from those areas.
We should be more concerned with whats in the air that we "can not" see!
Say no to the Carbon footprint.

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