Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gold Investments and Depopulation

There seems to be some mis-communication of the message relating to investing in gold!

There are many commercials advertising that because of the collapse of the American Dollar people should invest in gold.
We should seriously look at this realistically, I will use a reference from the bible that states
1) Gold shall become detestable, I am not sure of what book chapter or verse but I have read it myself, once upon a time when I was a strong follower!
2) Individuals possessing gold and/or Fire-arms are assumed terrorist. This is the message that the globalist are delivering to the people being trained as Anti-terrorist Groups. This was the same method Hitler used with his brown shirts, Today we are using the youth in the same manner. to Report your Family and Friends to the F.B.I. and F.E.M.A. if they match certain criteria.

This is very disturbing! in Society we are conditioning Citizens to accept phrases like "Fear Mongering" By definition This word is related to terrorism or Terrorist.
1. a method of government or of resisting government involving domination or coercion by various forms of intimidation, as bombing or kidnapping.
2. the state of fear and terror so produced. — terrorist, n., adj. — terroristic, adj.
We are almost identifying everyone as a terrorist, The media will use the phrase fear mongering all the time.

This is like alphabet soup! the people who are responsible for the state that America is in are a small group of genocidal maniacs that are hiding in plain site. They are the Elite, the richest of the rich, The Bankers, They run wall street, and they own the insurance company's. and to the lesser they run your Govt.
You will not fix our situation in America attempting to overthrow your govt. They are merely puppets, and they MUST obey the puppet Master lest they are cut off and their families welfare is jeopardized. If you cut off an arm another will grow in it's place.
So to be productive and to the point. in order to Recover America You must go for the head. remove the head and the bodies will fall. in other words: Remove the Elites... I.e. Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, Bilderburgers.
There is far to much investment and influence by these people, they are affecting our constitution and 3 party system. they already posses all the money and now their going for the throat to have complete control of how you live.
Don't believe everything the mainstream Media tells you! because they can only tell you what they are permitted to.

I know there is allot of "theories" and many "Conspiracy's" but of all the "Conspiracy Theories"
most are just Conspiracies. The Elite are only required to tell you what their planning, and faithfully have. They are NOT required to inform you in any particular fashion.
So the best way to effectively deliver this message without you becoming suspicious is to present it as a movie. Have you noticed the mass population of the movies relating to Chemical or Biological weapons or terrorist Attack just within the last 10 years?
I am Legend, Resident Evil, Out-Break, Quarantine, Bird-Flu, Right Next Door, and many more!, this does not even include movies like Apocalypse, and the most recent 2012.
Beyond relying on your fear, they are delivering the message as per the oath. Their Blueprint for life is much different than yours.
They have let the cat out of the bag that there are too many people in the world and they need to reduce population. hint, hint! look up the Georgia Guide Stones. The Population in the world is over 6 billion. and according to the message this should be less than 500 million.
so what better way to thin the herd, than to release a pandemic, and coerce you into taking a vaccine that is laced with soft kill adjuvants...
Please Research everything before Reacting.

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