Monday, November 16, 2009


Ok. here is a popular topic.. 2012!
What is this going to mean to us? Some predict the end while others predict a new beginning, or a rebirth.
As I ponder these different scenarios I am left with only one conclusion... In order for one to have a New beginning one must have an end. This means that we cannot have a rebirth with a death.
Shall we pontificate about history, what really was in the beginning? without our "bibles" no one really knows or has any clue. so we are left with science and technology! What really killed the dinosaurs, and the giants of old?
As we follow the history, astronomy and the research of science. (this does not include the prophecies of of ancient cultures)
The U.S. Government knew of this potential threat that was to come to the world as a whole in the 1940's. but kept the infomation of this from the people for a couple of reasons.

1) There is nothing that our world could do to prevent this from happenning because it is a cycle the planet completes every 26,000 years. even if they did follow the code of the Georgia Guidstone and maintain population of the world at 500 million or less. (we are now at a population of 6 billion plus)

2) The potential for global panic creating chaos, by the people of the planet. Our Gov't have used many different techniques to test people on how well they would handle life threatening situations, ranging from alien invation scares/props, to energy shortages, to vicious storms.
and with all the different scenarios people continue to fail. they are never prepared, and always over react, and seem to have lack of controling themselves when it comes to rashoning supplies.

It is for these reasons and more that the information of 2012 was never released to the population.
Whether we have the risk of the Dark-star, Wormwood, Nibiru, planet-x or what ever it's real name is, and it's threat to the earth as it obit enters our solar system and passes thru the ecliptic plane, bringing with cosmic debris.
We also could look at the risk of "pole shift" as a result the earths magnetic-field "megnetosphere" begins to weaken, leaving the earth exposed to solar burst's or flare's from the sun. these are very serious conditions and at Best case scenario will cause slight population reduction and minimal damage.
However the potential of E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event) is very real.
All life on this planet will be terminated. so in order to have a rebirth you must start over from the Beginning! After the flooding and the water dissipates into the soil, all vegitation that has been destroyed by the fire will eventually seed and grow again. but this will take many years.

Earth is a living breathing body, (just like you, only much larger) All the minerals that we take advantage of: metals, precious gems, oil, water, magma, etc. is the life blood of that body.
As you breath so does the Earth, but because the Earth is so huge you dont feel it move or grow.
As the Earth inhales the distance between land or Nations widen. and likewise, as the Earth exhales those continents get closer together. We as humans and other consuming life forms such as snakes, monkeys, rabbits, crockodiles, cats and dogs. are to be compared to parasites. because we feed of the planet. Some parasites are good and some are bad. the bad parasites are most commonly identified as the humans, becase they are the creatures that consume the most and DO NOT replace what they use, Thay take advantage of the Earths resources, and do not give the planet time to recover. I.E., Mass Construction (more buildings and highways, means less vegitation) Drilling for billions of gallons of oil (this is like giving the Earth a blood transfusion without recipricating) Clear Cutting, millions of trees just cut down to be sold over seas
(these trees take years to grow back, Tress are the Air you breath and is the hair of the Earth.
end result the Earth looks like a cancer patient because mankind has shaved her bald and taken all her blood.. one can only be subject to this for so long before they begin to get sick and eventually die!

The Movie 2012, though coated with hollywood glamour and graphix gives you an idea of what you have to look forward to. The Elites and few thousand chem technitian will try to preserve their own life underground via (D.U.M.B.) leaving you abandoned at the surface to face the wrath of the rebirth.
Movies are not just Entertainment... They are imagination manifestation of blueprint plans of intentions or events to come in the future.. It is the best way to inform prepare and condition the masses. read between the lines. just change the date time place and names. Some films are more symbolic than others. look at the matrix for example. there is alot of masonic sybolism. Resident Evil, has less sybolism but the message of intent is clear, just change the names and places. Swine made. made and initially distributed by Bayer, recalled then sent to france. Follow the news and prepare to identify who is the threat who is the most mighty terrorist Osama or Rockefeller?

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