Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time Travel & Teleporting

Many movies of the past and present, captivate our imagination with the essence of time travel, whether it is in space or from a pod in a facility.
Although the idea of this is grand and even if we build a maching capable of displacing atoms and paticles of the human body there are risks involved.
Whether you are attempting to travel to the future or go back in time, or even staying within you time period and build a transporter that can move a physical item to anyplace within the world in split second time... There are risks!
The most appearent risk is materializing within an existing physical structure. (not a good thing)
For example: you decide to go back in time 100 years. you will transport from your origin and will materialize in that exact location but 100 years earlier. so what was in that exact location 100 years ago?? you may end up materializing within the center of a mountain, 200 feet under dirt.
So before you decide to experiment with teleporting in any fashion, you need to research the environment of exact location and environment that you plan to go to in advance!!

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