Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life!

For Centuries man has questioned the meaning of life; What am I?, Why am I here?, How did I get here?, Is there a God? and so on!

Long Before the Novel Aka the Bible was written and past down through the generations, people lived without an organization known as church. They fed themselves, built shelter, and fires.
What do you suppose their life was like, not having the burden of "sin" or being called a "sinner" for doing thing's that would be natural for a human to do. i.e, Masturbation, and sex before marriage.

Although we are human, and can write, learn and build, we seem to be another form of animal, and all we did in our progress is create an asinine amount of rules, laws, restrictions, and provisions.
We give the image that the perfect man or family; Has a wife and children, abstains from sex, and does not stray or lust after another woman, (even in his imagination)
Well I guess in a world that everything is fantasy you may be able to pull this off, but this is the real world, and in the real world man and woman alike are driven by basic instinct "survival" A man is going to look at another woman, and if he is in a relationship there is a high chance he will have an affair if he knows that we will not ever get caught!
And likewise the woman will look at another man, and can be tempted into affairs. "Basic instinct" It is society that has set upon the world of what is moral, a simple conditioning phase,.

Why are people gay?? can you pray the gay away? are animals gay?
This oddly enough is a natural instinct. Watch the animals, and you will notice that all forms of creatures practice this; cat's, rat's, etc,. and dog's, well they not only try to mate with the same sex but with different creatures as well, as an example, we all know about the uncontrollable dog that kept humping someones leg, and if you posses a dog you have probably seen it!
Gayness is to be compared to a straight male being possessed by a female spirit. and it is the spirit that drives and motivates every being.
as a male will be attracted to a female and female to a male, in a physical body. if a male body (host) is being occupied by a female or feminine spirit, this is going to affect the person physically and thus fully the male host will take on more feminine traits, that host is going to be driven by that spirit towards a more masculine or male spirit. and likewise to the female host.
So can you "pray the gay away"? NO, Sorry! Executing such an act can be risky and potentially harmful to the person you believe to be gay. because this is not just a state of mind but rather a spirit, one would have to cast out the spirit, and because no host can survive without a spirit you cannot cast out this energy without killing the host.

In order to more easily comprehend the meaning of life, one must set aside everything he/she has ever learned or been taught in their lifetime, about religions, cultures, ethics, standards, and laws.
Now that you mind has been sterilized, you are left with only space, questions, and spiritual openness. As you look to the sky day or night, During the day you may see different shapes and types of clouds, you may see birds, you may even see the moon. At night you may see the stars and satellites or an occasional comet or meteor shower. What is out there? There must be more. Is there A God? What are you doing here?... why are you here?... where did you come from?..

Some of the most difficult questions can be answered by the smallest of creatures!
Life... in it's most simple form is; To Live, To Survive, To Multiply...

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